We believe in a full America.


We’re connecting businesses and institutions (with surplus food) to Americans looking for their next meal and dramatically reducing food waste in the United States, all by harnessing the power of geo-technology.

The Problem
Every single day in our country
1 in 4
children face hunger
1 in 6
adults face hunger
Every year in our country
we waste
$218 Billion
growing, processing, transporting and disposing of food that is never eaten
Enough food to
Feed The Nation 6 Times Over
With a devastating effect on our environment
Accounts for 25% of Methane Emissions
Consumes 18% of Cropland
Consumes 21% of Landfill Volume
Consumes 21% of all Fresh Water
Learn About Why Americans Often Waste Food
ReFeed Is The Solution

ReFeed is an easy to use mobile app that seamlessly connects any organization with surplus food to a nearby nonprofit looking for food to distribute. Hungry Americans can open the app at anytime to find a meal at a local nonprofit  and pick it up that day.

ReFeed Seamlessly Connects

In a couple taps, organizations with unused food post it for pickup within an eight mile radius.


Nonprofits instantly see the available food, pick it up and use the app to share the meals with their community.


Americans open up the app, view the meals available in their area and pick them up that very day.

How ReFeed Benefits Institutions & Businesses (Organizations)
Federal Regulation
Tax Breaks
Cost of Logistics
Ethical Responsibility
Pressure Abroad
How ReFeed Benefits Nonprofits
Insufficient Amounts of Good Food
Lack of Technology  and Resources
Restrictions How Food Can Be Retrieved
About Us

We’re a team of technologists, designers, entrepreneurs and social activists dedicated to utilizing the tools and resources of today to positively impact tomorrow. Passion, positivity and persistence run through our veins, and we live for the incredible feeling of lifting others up to see them thrive.

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